There’s no doubt that the cost of living in Australia has risen exponentially over the last few years and subsequently, the tendency to reuse and recycle furniture has also seen a steady rise in popularity. 

There’s no doubt that the cost of living in Australia has risen exponentially over the last few years and subsequently, the tendency to reuse and recycle furniture has also seen a steady rise in popularity. In fact, according to the Statista Research Department, 40 percent of Australians in 2022 said they would prefer to buy second hand furniture. As consumers become more aware of the environmental impacts of their purchasing behaviours, Vivid powder coating believe now is the perfect time to revitalise, restore and reimagine those old items you have lying about the place.

Vivid powder coating: The perfect solution

Not everything can be recycled, but it can be revamped and Vivid powder coating is undoubtedly the best process for finishing products with a durable, easy to apply and even coating. In fact, with powder coating, you can have it all. Not only can it be applied to basically anything made from steel, galvanised metal or aluminium, but it is also an environmentally-friendly and affordable method for finishing products.

Environmental commitment

Vivid powder coating is an inherently ‘green’ process, given that no solvents or toxic chemicals are used in its application, and that the overspray can be captured and re-used. With powder coating, there is also a reduced fire risk, a significantly less amount of waste and no need for the use of harmful solvents. The result is a more durable and longer-lasting finish than regular paints.

Save time and money

Given powder coating can be applied to a range of items, from household appliances, to automobiles, to building frames, instead of just throwing things away, powder coating allows you to revitalise your existing ones. The application process also requires less equipment and fewer raw materials than regular paint, lowering overall production costs. Furthermore, it has a long shelf life, so can be stored and re-used in the future.

Vivid powder coating: The way of the future

Given the durability and proven colour results of powder coating, it is undoubtedly an excellent choice to bring life to your project. For more information on how to revitalise and rejuvenate your old items, get in touch with us today.

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